Welcome to the Rho Chi Omega website!

On behalf of the members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Rho Chi Omega Chapter, we sincerely welcome you to our website and are happy that you have chosen to learn more about the program initiatives and services that we provide to the Madison, Morgan and surrounding Alabama counties.
Since the chapter’s chartering in 1989 by 27 professional, committed, and trailblazing women, Rho Chi Omega members have been active in providing supreme Service to All Mankind by establishing signature programs like the Angel Pageant for young ladies 4 years old through the eighth grade and the Prince to King Mentor Program for young men in third through eighth grades. We have established scholarship initiatives that have awarded over $125,000 to deserving students attending HBCUs and local colleges and universities.

The dream of our Charter Members was realized over 30 years ago with the establishment of our Chapter, but our future lies in the lasting and indelible mark that the more than 170 members of Rho Chi Omega Chapter make on our community each and every day through the implementation of program initiatives under our International Program Theme "Soaring to Greater Heights of Service & Sisterhood".
The members of Rho Chi Omega Chapter are PEARLS of Exemplary Service (Positioned and Equipped to Advocate Relentlessly, Leading the charge to be Supreme in Service to all mankind.
Gloria Flowers, President
Rho Chi Omega Chapter